
How To Add New Inventory Items To Arma 3

2013 video game

ArmA 3 Logo (Black Transparent) (SVG).svg
Developer(s) Bohemia Interactive
Publisher(s) Bohemia Interactive
Managing director(south) Joris-January van 't State
Jay Crowe
Producer(due south) Marek Španěl
Programmer(south) Ondřej Martinák
Vojtěch Hladík
Creative person(due south) David Zapletal
Composer(south) Ondřej Matějka
Grigorij Tolkačev
Nathan McCree
Series ARMA
Engine Real Virtuality 4
Platform(due south) Microsoft Windows,[3] Linux, macOS
Release Microsoft Windows
  • WW: September 12, 2013[1]
Bone X, Linux
  • WW: August 31, 2015[2]
Genre(due south) Tactical shooter
Way(s) Single-player, multiplayer

ARMA 3 is an open up-world, realism-based, military tactical shooter video game developed and published past Bohemia Interactive exclusively through the Steam distribution platform. Information technology was released for Microsoft Windows in September 2013, and afterwards announced for macOS and Linux in August 2015.[4]

ARMA 3 mainly takes place in the mid-2030s, on the fictional islands of Altis and Stratis in the Aegean Ocean,[5] and the Due south Pacific isle of Tanoa, equally well every bit the island of Malden and a landlocked terrain set in the historical region of Livonia. The islands feature photo-realistic terrain and water environments. Altis is the largest official terrain in the ARMA series with basis area roofing approximately 270 square kilometres (100 sq mi). The smaller island, Stratis, expands over an area of xx square kilometres (7.vii sq mi).[vi]

The single-player campaign has the actor take control of U.South. Ground forces soldier Corporal Ben Kerry. During the entrada, the histrion is placed in a variety of situations, from lone wolf infiltration missions to the commanding of large-scale armored operations. The player is able to cull different objectives and weaponry (such every bit UAVs, artillery, and air support) according to their play way.[7] [8] [nine]

Since its initial release, the ARMA 3 platform has been actively maintained and extended past Bohemia Interactive and publishing partners with almost xx meaning game engine updates and downloadable content (DLC) releases, including most recently, in 2021, a major Vietnam War era DLC expansion Southward.O.Thousand Prairie Burn.

ARMA iii also has a very agile modding community that has published nearly 100,000 mods, adding thousands of additional terrains, buildings, vehicles, weapons, placeable objects, missions, campaigns, and game mechanics enhancements, almost of which are freely and easily available from the Steam Workshop.

Despite its relative age, ARMA iii maintains a substantial actor community, often being in the elevation 50 games (by active players) on Steam, with hundreds of official and community multi-player servers, community groups, and many dedicated ARMA 3 mil-sim realism groups.

Synopsis [edit]

Overview [edit]

ARMA 3 is set in the 2030s, when a new Eastern war machine alliance, known as the Canton-Protocol Strategic Alliance Treaty (CSAT), led by Iran and Prc, is growing in global influence, while the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) is on the decline.

The story of ARMA iii takes place over a diversity of campaigns which introduce the actor to the earth of the game and requite them new things to discover and challenges to overcome. There are four large story-based campaigns and a variety of smaller ones that accept players through unique scenarios as different characters. The four main campaigns are:

  • The base entrada The East Wind and the prologue, which are set on the fictional Democracy of Altis and Stratis post-obit a military machine coup by the Altis Armed Forces. The campaigns concern the firsthand experiences of various NATO peacekeepers trying to stop fighting between the new government and the sometime government-in-exile, who are waging guerilla warfare, as relations between the AAF and NATO deteriorate.[x] [11]
  • Apex Protocol, a campaign concerning the NATO black ops unit the Combat and Technology Research Group (CTRG) and their attempts to stop Cathay from acquiring a seismic weapon of mass destruction. The entrada was released with the ARMA 3: Apex DLC and includes the terrain of Tanoa, a former French colony in Southeast Asia. The entrada is fully multiplayer and designed to be played with upward to 4 dissimilar players.[12]
  • Remnants of War, a morally-focused by and large non-combat entrada surrounding the International Evolution and Aid Project, a humanitarian NGO and their work in the Altian village of Oreokastro. The player controls bomb disposal skilful Nathan McDade equally he reminisces about his previous time in the village and recounts his firsthand experiences to a news reporter. Remnants of War was released with the ARMA iii: Laws of War DLC, which in addition added new props for placing in the editor, new mine-clearing mechanics and a variety of drones.
  • Offset Contact, a not-canon spinoff ready in the fictional Shine-speaking country of Livonia. The campaign concerns the deterioration of relations betwixt the Livonian Defence Force and NATO as unidentified phenomena brainstorm to popular upward around the country and cause catastrophic damage to infrastructure. The campaign was released under the ARMA iii: Contact DLC, which featured the new terrain of Livonia and a variety of other content. The selling point of the DLC was its focus on extraterrestrial life, notwithstanding the fantastical elements of Contact, including the aliens and advanced engineering science, are an optional slice of content that tin can be loaded from the game's launcher.[13]

The East Wind [edit]

The East Current of air is cleaved into a three-human activity structure, with each act concerning a dissimilar state of affairs regarding the crisis on Altis. The acts are titled Survive, Adapt and Win respectively. Survive concerns the player character (NATO Corporal Ben Kerry) trying to survive while existence hunted by the AAF. Accommodate involves him and an FIA cell (the regime-in-exile) on Altis waging guerilla warfare against the AAF. Win involves Kerry and the FIA linking up with NATO forces as they push the AAF dorsum into a surrender.

Survive [edit]

Flag of Altis and Stratis

Following continued fighting betwixt the AAF and FIA, NATO peacekeepers are preparing to leave the state. This is interrupted when the AAF, seemingly without provocation, attack NATO forces and a state of war is de facto declared. Kerry regroups with a British special forces unit led by Captain Scott Miller later on his commanding officeholder is killed. Miller organizes a number of ineffective guerilla missions against the AAF from Military camp Maxell on Stratis in an attempt to get a foothold. Kerry assists his surviving allies in an assail on Air Station Mike-26 to make contact with NATO, but this fails and the equipment is destroyed. Afterwards, Miller'southward grouping meets with an FIA operative named Nikos Panagopoulos, who informs them of a cache on the island, which they find trashed by the AAF. After numerous skirmishes, Miller informs his team that he reached NATO MEDCOM and that their job is articulate out a town to the s to stage a landing zone for reinforcements. They are initially successful, simply a CSAT strike force fires on them, killing near of the remaining survivors, and they are forced to flee to Altis, where they programme to come across up with the FIA. While fleeing Stratis, their flotilla of speedboats is attacked by AAF planes and most of the vessels are capsized.

Adapt [edit]

Kerry washes up on the beaches of Kavala and makes his way to Miller'south second-in-command, Lt. James, in the midst of a battle. They link up with the northern cell of the FIA, led by Kostas Stavrou. Stavrou orders Kerry to control a series of dangerous missions from an old factory complex in order to regain supplies they had lost during fights against the AAF and CSAT. The operations, though costly, are successful, and they begin to proceed the offensive. The FIA discover their supplier, who is revealed every bit Nikos, is beingness held on Stratis, so Kerry and Miller launch an assault on the isle to rescue him. It is successful, and Nikos informs them that he has discovered that NATO are planning an invasion of Altis. Armed with this knowledge, the guerillas assault diverse positions nearly the driblet zone to ensure a safe landing for NATO reinforcements. However, NATO forces arrive and burn down on the guerillas, mistaking them for hostiles. Kerry flags down a crashed gunship and informs them that they're friendly, and inquires to the whereabouts of Scott Miller. The NATO commanding officeholder, David Armstrong, informs Kerry that they have no i in the database past the name of Scott Miller, and that the Great britain pulled out of Altis months before the flashpoint.

Win [edit]

Kerry links up with the NATO forces and is reluctantly assigned various unimportant jobs in the early days of the NATO offensive. Armstrong is distrustful of Kerry, due to the fact that he is the but surviving member of the peacekeepers and is in contact with an unknown special forces operator. Throughout the days post-obit, Kerry proves his loyalty to Armstrong and is permitted to pb a squad of guerillas, and and then eventually his ain squad of NATO soldiers, to perform various assaults and defenses to support the chief offensive. During these operations, an unusually high number of earthquakes is detected throughout the isle, which temporarily disrupt NATO operations. Kerry is contacted by Armstrong, who absolves him of suspicion, simply warns that he should stay out of contact with Miller and that the information is highly classified. After the assaults, the AAF is on the verge of defeat, so Armstrong orders all NATO forces to regroup for the last offensive. Correct afterwards, Kerry is contacted through a broken transmission by Lieutenant James, who provides his location and asks for aid. Depending on the choices the player makes, he can either:

  • Link up with James and observe the purpose behind Miller's team and their operations (a CSAT seismic weapon of mass destruction called the Eastwind Device), and consequently starting time World War III past helping steal it, or
  • Proceed with his orders, leaving James to his fate and directing strikes on the terminal AAF position.

The canonical ending (choosing to obey orders) grants access to a concluding mission which allows the player to witness the terminate of the Altis flashpoint. Kerry, now promoted to Sergeant, is helping the remaining NATO forces stabilize the country. He meets a reporter at the airport and drives him to a nearby boondocks for an interview with Nikos, who is now running for government. After Kerry says his farewells, the campaign ends.

Apex Protocol [edit]

Post-obit a major seismic sea wave in Southeast Asia known equally the Pacific Disaster, the paramilitary crime syndicate Syndikat rises to power in several regions of the former French colony of Tanoa. Finding the Syndikat's rapid expansion and supply of extremely advanced equipment suspicious, NATO sends in the highly classified black ops unit the Combat and Technology Enquiry Group (CTRG), under CTRG Group fifteen.

Group 15, nether callsign "Raider", deploys on Tanoa and conducts several operations confronting Syndikat to weaken and provoke them, too every bit to discover the whereabouts of their upper members. They discover show that China, a member of CSAT, is supplying and supporting Syndikat. During an functioning to capture the leader of Syndikat, Solomon Maru, Group fifteen is ambushed past an elite special forces unit of the Chinese army known as the Viper Team and forced to withdraw.

Following the ambush, Raider conducts a seemingly unrelated functioning to rescue CTRG nugget codenamed "Keystone". Once rescued, information technology is revealed that Keystone is Captain Scott Miller, leader of CTRG Group xiv, working clandestine as a UKSF operator. His truthful purpose on Altis (wherein information technology is heavily implied he caused the flashpoint by bombing Kerry's commander) is revealed to be the monitoring of the Eastwind Device, a tectonic weapon of mass destruction developed in cooperation by CSAT member states. After Altis, the device was transported out of the land and Miller believes that China used the Eastwind Device to industry the Pacific Disaster and secretly created the Syndikat, all to destabilize Tanoa and get in vulnerable to influence through support from People's republic of china and other CSAT countries in the fallout.

Subsequently rescuing Miller, CTRG raids a Viper Squad blackness site to locate the Eastwind Device. They find the blackness site already attacked and abandoned, and soon learn that Syndikat double-crossed People's republic of china and the Viper Team and are holding the Eastwind Device as ransom. CTRG also recovers documents concerning CSAT's "Apex Protocol," which is a set of plans detailing how the Eastwind Device and other undetectable methods can exist used to industry crises and make target nations vulnerable to influence through CSAT support. With Miller's assumptions vindicated, NATO sets out to expose CSAT and safely recover the Eastwind Device.

CTRG tracks the device to a port in the due north of Tanoa, where CSAT is attempting to negotiate with Syndikat to get the device dorsum. All the same, Maru is unsatisfied and unexpectedly arms the device, causing panic. CTRG assaults the port, fighting against both Syndikat and the Viper Team, and manages to successfully eliminate Solomon Maru, disarm the device and send it safely away. Following the performance, CTRG quietly leaks a redacted version of the Apex Protocol documents to the press, which leads to worldwide condemnation of CSAT's aggressive expansionism.

Remnants of War [edit]

Days later on the end of the NATO invasion of Altis, a mechanic from the Altian boondocks of Oreokastro by the proper noun of Markos Kouris returns to his ruined home after hearing news that his missing brother had appeared at the town's church in a recent firefight. As he searches the church building for evidence of his brother'southward whereabouts, he is killed by a landmine.

Several days afterward, journalist Katherine Bishop, working for AAN News, conducts an online interview with bomb disposal adept Nathan MacDade, who works for the humanitarian NGO the International Development and Assist Projection (IDAP). His job is to dispose of the explosive remnants of war in the town of Oreokastro, which was well-nigh completely destroyed during the Altian Civil War. Nathan, who was in the boondocks'southward IDAP camp earlier and during the war, recounts his experiences of the various sides of the conflict and how it began and ended through v playable scenarios which each depict a different facet of the town and the war. In all v, the player'south choices brand an impact on how Nathan recounts the story, and he will comment if things go amiss.

  • The get-go story, The Peacekeeper, depicts Staff Sergeant Thomas Adams, the protagonist of the prologue and a supporting character in the East Air current, helping IDAP direct an airdrop of humanitarian supplies and defending it from the FIA with the help of his AAF retinue. In this sequence, Nathan will annotate if the histrion misdirects the airdrop and if some of the supplies are damaged.
  • The second story, The Guerilla, depicts an up-and-coming FIA supporter named Alexis Kouris who steals vehicles to build a barricade against the incoming AAF set on. Nathan volition annotate based on what vehicles the histrion chooses to use to block the road, including a small-scale criticism if the player chooses to steal an ambulance.
  • The third story, The Redacted, depicts a story told by a caprine animal farmer of CSAT special forces directing a cluster bomb strike for the AAF on the town from the boondocks's castle ruins. Nathan will comment on if the player decides to expect for certain characters to leave the nail radius, and which building the player targets, simply nevertheless comments at the horrific negligence of airstriking a boondocks with civilians still trapped inside. During the ending cinematic of this story, Nathan mentions a report that says NATO mil-spec casings were found at the site, and shortly subsequently this comment the CSAT operators in the cutscene briefly flash to Scott Miller and Lieutenant James, heavily implying that it was actually NATO responsible for directing the airstrike.[N 1]
  • The fourth story, The Survivor, depicts the brother of Alexis Kouris, Markos, who is shot in the crossfire during the AAF assail and must limp to the IDAP-controlled church to be evacuated while being careful of unexploded ordnance. In this sequence, the role player is technically neutral to the AAF, but many actions (including picking up a gun, firing at AAF soldiers or going too close to guerilla forces) will warrant the AAF to target Markos every bit an enemy. These actions prompt a annotate from Nathan, who will besides offer further comments if the player decides to go through with the optional objective of fighting off the AAF attack earlier getting to the church.
  • The fifth and final story, The Major, depicts a battle during the NATO invasion of Altis. The player controls AAF Major Gavras with his lieutenant Antoniou Dimitriou, who are pushed to Oreokastro by a joint NATO-FIA assault. They deploy a landmine dispenser device in the church yard to defend the position, and somewhen successfully withstand the attack. It is revealed that Alexis Kouris died fighting with the FIA in this set on, which is the rumor that prompts Markos to investigate and eventually leads to his death.

After all five sequences are completed, Katherine asks Nathan about who he thinks is most responsible for the tragedies of Oreokastro: NATO, CSAT, the AAF, the FIA, or "everyone and no one." Nathan responds with a pretermined justification, and soon afterwards Katherine gives the role player admission to a draft of her article on the state of war in Altis and on Oreokastro. The contents of the article change depending on the player'due south choices in the retention sequences and the final few paragraphs change depending on who the player gives as most responsible for Oreokastro's devastation. The role player's final objective is to clear all remaining mines in the town and consummate any else remains. After this, Nathan says bye to Katherine and gets back in his van, where he drives off to his side by side assignment.

Development [edit]

Jay Crowe was the game'southward creative manager and provided some vocalism interim for the game.

Bohemia Interactive officially appear the development of ARMA 3 on May 19, 2011.[14] In June 2012 an alpha version of the game was demonstrated at E3.[xv] In August 2013, Bohemia Interactive announced that they will release three downloadable content episodes for costless after the game'south initial launch.[xvi] An blastoff version of the game was released on March v, 2013, allowing players to experience the game during evolution, as well as help in development by reporting bugs and giving feedback on their feel. The beta version was released on June 25, 2013, and anyone who owned the blastoff would have their copy automatically upgraded.[17] The final version of ARMA 3 was launched on September 12, 2013. At its launch, ARMA 3 featured more showcase missions and the large island of Altis.[18]

ARMA three uses a new version of Bohemia Interactive'southward Real Virtuality game engine.

Downloadable content [edit]

Zeus [edit]

In February 2014 the beginning, free DLC for the game, entitled Zeus, was appear. It allows players to utilise the game'due south Zeus manner in multiplayer where the histrion(s) designated equally Zeus gain god-like powers and can control scenarios in real fourth dimension using a full 3D overview of the match reminiscent of the game's Eden editor's primary interface.[19] Zeus was released on April ten, 2014.

Karts [edit]

Bohemia Interactive featured an April Fool's joke video on Apr i, 2014. It announced a DLC Karts that would add a Become-kart racing into the game. The video was a parody of Jean-Claude Van Damme's Splendid Split up video using the character of Scott Miller. The video became popular and fans liked the thought so Bohemia Interactive released the DLC on May 29, 2014. The DLC added 20 types of Karts and objects useful for creating tracks and commuter models. ARMA 3: Karts is the first paid DLC for ARMA iii.[20]

Helicopters [edit]

The Helicopters DLC is second premium DLC for Arma 3 and was released on November 4, 2014. Content sectional for owners of this DLC includes 2 new heavy transport helicopters, NATO'due south CH-67 Huron, based on the CH-47 Chinook, and CSAT's Mi-290 Taru, based on the Ka-226. It also includes single-role player scenario and fourth dimension trials.[21]

The DLC was likewise accompanied by a platform update, which added new mechanics including firing from rider seats of vehicles, sling loading with helicopters and an advanced flight dynamics model which is an improved version of the flying model from another Bohemia game, Take On Helicopters.[22]

Marksmen [edit]

Marksmen is a premium DLC for Arma 3 released on April 8, 2015. Owners of the DLC get admission to new equipment including new weapons, scopes, ghillie suits and single-actor content.[23]

The DLC was supported by a free update for Arma 3, which included new mechanics for weapon resting, bipods, recoil, AI suppression and sound scape alongside new content and a game manner called End Game.[24]

Apex Expansion [edit]

ARMA 3: Apex is ARMA 3 'due south get-go expansion, released on July 11, 2016. It was announced as part of Bohemia Interactive Roadmap for ARMA 3 in 2015–2016.[25] The expansion includes some gratis features for users which optimize the game and act every bit a visual update too. The primary features for this expansion are:

  • Tanoa – A new map for ARMA three fix in the Due south Pacific Islands with an overall map size of 100 foursquare kilometres (38.6 sq. mi).[26]
  • New Faction, 13 New Weapons, New Uniforms & Gear
  • ten New Vehicles

Jets [edit]

Arma 3: Jets is the first piece of DLC adult in cooperation with a partner, Bravo Zero Ane Studios, adding gameplay improvements and new units to the game including planes and an aircraft carrier. It is included as part of DLC Package 2 and was released on May 16, 2017.

Some of the aircraft included in the Jets DLC are NATO's F/A-181 Blackness Wasp II, based on a combination of the F/A-18E Super Hornet and F-22 Raptor of the U.S. Navy and Air Force, and To-201 Shikra, CSAT's counterpart, based on the Su-57 and Su-35. It also comes with an AAF operated jet, the A-149 Gryphon, based on the Swedish JAS 39 Gripen, and the NATO operated Scout UCAV, based on the Ten-47B. The DLC besides includes many performance changes and the add-on of a new interactive object, a nuclear-powered Gerald R. Ford-form aircraft carrier, the USS Freedom (CVN-83).

This DLC also includes a large sensory overhaul, changing the style radar, light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation and missile tracking functions. Some of the other overhauls included in the DLC include an extended damage model and a dynamic load out arrangement.

Malden 2035 [edit]

To gloat the 16th Anniversary of Operation Flashpoint, Bohemia Interactive announced it was working on a full recreation of one of the game's maps: the fictional Mediterranean isle of Malden. Information technology independent new assets also as many already created for Altis and Tanoa, and was released free for all game owners in June 2017.

Laws of State of war [edit]

This DLC was developed by Bohemia Interactive's new studio in Amsterdam, Netherlands under the code-name Orange, and pursued an aspect of warfare not often covered by other games. This DLC was released on September 7, 2017.

The DLC added many new features, including a new faction called the International Development and Aid Project (which specialises in chop-chop responding to crunch requiring humanitarian aid), a new miniature entrada for users to play, new vehicles, two new unmanned aerial vehicles, an APERS Mine Dispenser, cluster munitions, and various new clothing items.[27]

Tac-Ops Mission Pack [edit]

This DLC is included in DLC Package ii and was released in tardily November, 2017. It includes iii distinct singleplayer armed forces "operations" (essentially mini-campaigns), each focusing on different aspects of ground combat. Each operation requires careful planning in order to succeed just offer high replayability as the decisions the player makes can affect the outcome.

Other features include an "After Action Report" video, which includes insights for each operation from one of Bohemia Interactive's war machine consultants, new music tracks, new Steam achievements, and improvements to the game's scripting system in order to help players more hands create complex scenarios.

Tanks [edit]

The Tanks DLC is a premium DLC released on 11 April 2018 focusing on armoured assets. Premium content includes 3 vehicles, an anti-tank launcher, and a mini-campaign where the role player takes command of an Altian tank commander by the name of Kyros Kaligeros. An accompanying platform update brought new treatment and damage models for vehicles aslope expanded anti-tank launcher systems and additional content.[28] [29]

Global Mobilization [edit]

This DLC was released on 29 Apr 2019. Information technology includes a x mission singleplayer Campaign, four new factions (Westward Germany, E Germany, Poland and Denmark), 70 new vehicles (with new variants), thirty weapons (with new variants), 'various' infantry wearable, new terrain and gear, and 17 multiplayer scenarios. The DLC is set in Cold State of war West and Eastward Germany during the 1980s, which includes the new map of Weferlingen which is 419 km2 (162 sq mi) and adds a new building style and 'fresh experience' to the Arma 3 series.[30] Dissimilar other ArmA 3 DLCs, the Global Mobilization was adult by Vertexmacht.[31]

Contact [edit]

Contact is an expansion released on 25 July 2019 set in the fictional Eastern European country of Livonia in form of a new 163 kmtwo (63 sq mi) map.[32] The DLC brings ii new factions, the Livonian Defence Force and Russian Spetsnaz,[33] along with new weapons and equipment.

This DLC too contains a new campaign called Showtime Contact, in which the actor takes office in a military training exercise when an alien vessel enters the atmosphere.[34]

Southward.O.G Prairie Burn [edit]

This DLC was released on May half-dozen, 2021. It includes a 6 mission co-op campaign with up to fourteen players, v Singleplayer 'Showcase' missions, 4 new factions (Us Armed Forces, People's Army of Vietnam, The Vietcong and Regular army of the Republic of Vietnam), 54 new vehicles (with multiple variants), 55 new weapons (with multiple variants),[35] 41 different uniforms[36] and a new terrain named 'Cam Lao Nam' (A combination of Kingdom of cambodia, Laos and Vietnam respectively). This DLC is gear up in the Common cold War during the Vietnam War as part of Bohemia Interactive'southward Creator DLC Program.[37] The new map is 300 km2 and contains the three countries of Kingdom of cambodia, Laos and Vietnam, a start in the Armed Set on series. Like the Global Mobilization DLC it was adult by a third party studio known as Brutal Game Pattern, created to brand Vietnam War era games.[38] [35]

On September thirty, 2021, a free update was released calculation a new terrain, 31 boosted uniforms and 7 vests, 9 weapons (with multiple variants), 13 helmets and 6 new vehicles. The new terrain, named Khe Sanh, is 225 kmii. The update as well adds the ability to play as one of three primary Navy SEAL groups that operated in Vietnam, complete with underwater diving capabilities which was previously missing in the DLC.[39] [40]

CSLA Atomic number 26 Curtain [edit]

This DLC was released on 16 June 2021. It includes 9 singeplayer 'scenarios', ix multiplayer missions and one singleplayer 'Showcase', 2 new factions (United states Military, Czechoslovak War machine), 30 new vehicles (with multiple variants), 35 new weapons (with various attachments), various new uniforms for all factions and a new terrain named 'Gabreta' with a size of 256 kmtwo . This DLC is set during the Common cold War at a edge region of Czechoslovakia and like to the S.O.G Prairie Fire and Global Mobilisation DLC'southward information technology is made by a third party studio known as ČSLA Studio, a team of previous modders for the Armed Assault series.[41] [42]

On June 24 of 2021, Bohemia Interactive PR representative "Nillers" released a forum statement saying that BI "recognize[s] that [they] did not exercise enough to ensure the appropriate quality of this particular Creator DLC." and that they would be offering no-questions-asked refunds for the adjacent 36 days up until July xxx, 2021.[43]

Western Sahara [edit]

This DLC was released on Nov 18, 2021.[44] It includes a scenario named 'Extraction', an open world sandbox featuring 'dynamically randomized contracts' playable in both singleplayer and multiplayer with upwards to 4 other players, 2 other multiplayer scenarios and a new showcase. Information technology adds four new factions (UNA Peacekeepers, Sefrawi Freedom and Independence Regular army, Tura tribe insurgents, NATO in a desert variant and the official render of ION Services), 9 variants of existing vehicles, four new weapons, various new equipment such as a ballistic shield and a drone mounted with a Low-cal Machine Gun, diverse new uniforms and a new terrain named 'Sefrou-Ramal'. This DLC is set in 2036 in a fictional country in Africa and is the first CDLC to not be set in the Cold State of war era.[45]

Other content updates [edit]

The Bootcamp Update was released on fourteen July 2014. It features training content, a Virtual Reality terrain, and a short campaign. The Bootcamp Campaign serves as the prequel to the main game. It follows Sergeants Conway and Adams one year prior to the Eastwind Campaign. The goal of this update was to introduce new players to the game'south mechanics.[46]

The Nexus update was released on ane December 2015. It brought an improved version of the official multiplayer mission "End Game", a spectator mode, and multiple improvements such as soldier protection, stamina, and an audio overhaul.[47]

The Eden update, released on 18 Feb 2016, added an in-game 3D editor, making the creation of missions easier. It also included launcher and server browser improvements, and an update to the audio arrangement.[48]

A 'Visual Update' was released with the 1.60 update, in May 2016, in advance of the Apex update.

As of one August 2018, the ane.84 update was released, together with the Encore content pack, which contains additional anti-air assets, stock-still-wing armaments, and the fictional Liberty-class destroyer.

On 8 December 2018, the 1.86 update added the Warlords multiplayer missions,[49] based on a capture the island (CTI) scenario.

Reception [edit]

ARMA three has received favorable reviews, garnering a score of 74 out of 100 on the review aggregation website Metacritic based on 38 reviews and a user score of 7.6 based on 1048 ratings.[50] Some reviewers praise the modifications Bohemia Interactive have done with the engine, animations and audio. Yet, others criticised the lack of single-player content on release.

PC Gamer selected the game to be the simulation game of the year.[53] ARMA 3 likewise gained Czech game of 2013 Award for technological contribution to Czech video game output and was elected to be best Czech video game of the Year in Booom 2013.[54] [55] Rock, Paper, Shotgun selected ARMA three to be 16th best FPS of all time and the 10th best Simulation Game of all time.[56] [57]

The islands of Altis and Stratis also received much praise. The Guardian fifty-fifty included them along with Chernarus (the setting of ARMA 2 and DayZ) in its list of 10 virtually cute video game environments.[58]

It was appear on May 28, 2014, that the game had sold ane million copies. In Oct 2015 sales had reached 2 million units, and in March 2017 it reached three 1000000 sales.[25] [59]

The game has sold 5 million copies as of June 2019.[threescore]

Controversies [edit]

Espionage arrests [edit]

The Greek media[61] reported on 10 September 2012 that two Czechs were arrested on the Greek island Lemnos and charged with espionage. According to Greek media reports, the ii men claimed to exist working for Bohemia Interactive in an official capacity, recording videos[61] [62] and taking photographs for the development of ARMA 3. Under Greek law taking photographs of military installations and the like is prohibited for reasons of national security.[63] Prior to the incident, the effect of the game causing potential threats to Greek national security was discussed in the Greek Parliament in 2011.[64]

The 2 were initially identified equally David Zapletal and Pavel Guglava,[65] although information technology was later confirmed that the two were actually Martin Pezlar and Ivan Buchta. The duo's employee condition nether Bohemia Interactive was confirmed, but the company later stated that they were on the island "with the sole purpose of experiencing the island's beautiful surroundings".[66] Buchta and Pezlar refuted the charges of espionage, maintaining that they "went merely to a holiday [...] to relish the beauty of the isle", noting that the layout of the virtual isle in the evolution studio "was practically done" prior to their arrival, and that whatever video or photographic recordings were intended for memorabilia purposes and that they would have little or no utilise in the game's development.[67] After beingness held in custody for 128 days, the Greek government released the arrested developers from jail on 15 January 2013.[68]

While the two were imprisoned, Bohemia Interactive shut down admission to one of the threads on their official forums[69] [70] titled Greek Military which was created on one August 2012. Bohemia Interactive has since made several statements regarding the situation on their official forums, discussing legal matters and warning users regarding the problems arising from photographing Greek war machine installations.[71] Every bit a result of the incident, on 2 February 2013, Bohemia Interactive announced that the proper noun of the main island 'Lemnos' would change to 'Altis'. The Greek island of Lemnos was called as inspiration later Bohemia Interactive CEO Marek Španěl had visited the place on holiday. Co-ordinate to Bohemia Interactive, the name change is meant to emphasize the game is fiction. The game's smaller island named 'Stratis' remained unchanged.

Ban in Iran [edit]

In September 2012, Iran's National Foundation of Computer Games and the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps refused to permit the sale of ARMA 3 considering the game portrayed the CSAT faction (which was partially composed of Iranian soldiers in the main campaign) as an enemy of NATO.[72] [73]

Notes [edit]

  1. ^ According to the scripting files establish within the mission directory for this sequence, the CSAT special forces operators are supposed to flash to Miller and James just if the actor completed the game'southward campaigns in society with the truthful endings before playing Remnants of State of war; otherwise it is supposed to fade to black. However, the line that restricts this is commented out and instead information technology will always occur.

References [edit]

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External links [edit]

  • Official website

How To Add New Inventory Items To Arma 3,


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