
How To Add Acclaim Badge To Domain_9

Acclaim - Scrum Badges

Terminal mail 02:50 pm September 2, 2021

by Mario De Caerlé

fourscore replies

03:00 pm December 12, 2018

I'g curious to know if has looked into adding the certified badges to Acclaim?  https://world wide  My other question is regarding the acknowledgement of the equality or fifty-fifty a recognized higher education level of the certs over the CSM certs.  I can tell you that many employers do not recognize the certs in their their job awarding process while the Scum Alliance certs are almost e'er a option in the chore apps.  Having to explain why you became certified versus Scrum Brotherhood immediately causes a sense of lost credibility.  If i has to explain why you went the route y'all're digging yourself out of a hole to start with.  There needs to be a concerted try within to go the word out to FORTUNE 500 companies regarding the value-add of

06:59 pm Dec 12, 2018

I would agree, especially since a lot of CSMs don't actually know scrum that well.  I took the PSM-I certification because A) I didn't recall I could get my employer to pay for the $1200 class, and 2) whatsoever test yous tin can pass with a failing form (lx%) isn't that skilful an indicator that you actually know anything useful.

Profile picture for user Daniel Wilhite

07:30 pm December 14, 2018

My experience has been that while the Scrum Alliance certifications are more widely known, when you explain the process of getting a certification it is well received.  Explaining how y'all can go the CSM certification past attention a 2 days form versus having to self brainwash yourself to achieve the certifications shows more employers that you are serious about your commitment.  Organizations typically value people that take information technology upon themselves to meliorate their knowledge and value to a visitor more than those that simply practice the minimum.

I highly value my certifications over my Scrum Brotherhood certifications.

As for your original question on Acclamation.  I didn't even know near that site.  Have you lot found it to be helpful at all?

Profile picture for user Simon Mayer

12:32 pm December 15, 2018

Over the past couple of years, in the Netherlands, it seems companies are becoming less probable to inquire for specific qualifications in a job description. When they practice, information technology's more likely going to be for PSM I or PSM 2.

I would question whether it's worth working for a visitor that doesn't answer positively to the kind of well-reasoned explanation that Daniel describes.

09:52 pm December 15, 2018

Let me lend some further clarity here.  When completing an online job awarding yous aren't allowed an explanation. You are allowed to select from a choice list of certifications. Not once, in over 800 applications reviewed to date covering the last 12 months, has a been in that pick list. Scrum Alliance certs are always there as a choice. With this data now in hand, who has 100% of the corporate mindshare based on chore applications?

Simon, everyone is entitled to their opinion but your comments don't resonate with reality here in the US.

Profile picture for user Eric Naiburg

04:37 pm Dec 17, 2018

We have talked to Acclaim along with many others as they are one of dozens of platforms that are out in that location for badging and certification holders.  Nosotros continue to evaluate platforms, however none have nevertheless to come to the pinnacle every bit a leader and putting you every bit a certification holder into the wrong i won't help you or anyone.  Equally always, please stay tuned as there is always more to come up.

As for credibility, we are seeing more and more organizations including many in the U.s.a. moving to Professional Scrum certifications.  This as e'er when coming to the market 4 years later on takes some time and it is happening quickly.  We now have over 230,000 certified around the globe, come across person-scrum-certifications/count more than than 235 Accredited Professional Scrum Trainers globally and more standing to come.  I would leverage this link in your description if needed:

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

Profile picture for user Michael Heiser

xi:03 pm December 23, 2018

I 2d the nomination for Acclaim.  The certification holder has made the investment to proudly display their badge on repository sites like Acclaim or LinkedIn.  Several providers, including your competitors are providing the power to display badges.  Every bit someone with several certs, I'd much prefer do the aforementioned.

08:36 pm March 29, 2019

I second the request to add together the badges to acclamation.

Profile picture for user Dennis van Elk

06:xi pm April 12, 2019

Same here, please add together the badges to

Profile picture for user Pradip Kumar Ghosh

08:38 am Apr 14, 2019

I experience all certification bodies should collaborate & provide their feed to a common repository which can brand validation piece of cake.

Profile picture for user Michael Borchers

07:53 am April 25, 2019

I too agree, delight make badges available to

05:25 pm May vii, 2019

+i to add certifications to

12:28 am May fourteen, 2019

I also agree, delight brand badges bachelor to

12:28 am May 14, 2019

I also agree, please make badges available to

04:16 pm May 15, 2019

I concur as well, +1 to add certifications to

Profile picture for user Kenneth Crocker

08:44 pm May fifteen, 2019

+one for Acclaim. You'd think there'd be a backlog to vote on things :D

07:03 am June 19, 2019

+1 to accept a digital badge for certification

Profile picture for user Aditya Kulkarni

06:11 am June 27, 2019

Definitely go for it! From this link yesterday, has made its keen progress by adding open badges support with

I'd request to think from the user (certificant) perspective; we need a 1-stop solution for showcasing our badges.

Profile picture for user Eric Naiburg

12:45 pm June 27, 2019

@Aditya you can use the Open up Badges Backpack to add your badges to add your badge to Acclamation or others that support backpacks.  That gives you lot as the badge holder the pick to apply the product of your pick.  Badgr, Acclamation or whatsoever of the others that you may utilise rather than locking you in.  Open up Badges Backpack support is widely used by most of the major badge management vendors like those 2 mentioned in a higher place.

Profile picture for user Aditya Kulkarni

08:03 am July 1, 2019

For some reason, Acclaim did non evidence as organizations issuing badges. While I have noted the signal that Acclaim supports Open Badges, my observation is, direct linking is not possible in Acclamation.

Profile picture for user Eric Naiburg

02:14 pm July one, 2019

Acclamation has at least for now stopped supporting Open up Badges, hopefully they get dorsum on board with open up standards presently.

Profile picture for user Steven Busse

10:39 am July 2, 2019

+1 for Acclaim.

Profile picture for user Eric Naiburg

12:57 pm July ii, 2019

@Steven, if y'all are an Acclaim user, you lot should pressure them into supporting Open up Badges.  That is the open up standard for badge and certification management supported by many.  Acclamation supported information technology until they were acquired and now have gone against the open source movement and fully proprietary.  We currently have no plans to support proprietary badge technologies and are focused on open standards.

Profile picture for user Steven Busse

11:38 am July 5, 2019

@Eric Non very customer-oriented, simply thank you anyway for these giving insights.

Profile picture for user Eric Naiburg

03:01 pm July 5, 2019

@Steven, I hope that wasn't taken the wrong way.  We are having conversations with them, but we cannot support every engineering out there, hence nosotros went with the standard of Open Badges which Acclaim supported in the past, but then went proprietary.  The merely style to get them to change is their customers (you), not organizations similar us as they just want more coin from us hence blocking the open standard. If you the customer puts pressure on them, they will alter which was what I was trying to say.

Profile picture for user Ramesh Kumar Srinivasan

03:26 am October xvi, 2019

 Please make badges available to

Profile picture for user Eric Naiburg

04:08 am October 16, 2019

@Ramesh,  We support OpenBadges which is the open standard for badging globally.  Acclamation supported that besides until they were acquired and and so decided to close their platform and simply export to OpenBadges, but not import whatever longer. I advise that if you apply Acclaim, as a user y'all pressure them to support the open standard.

06:54 am Oct xvi, 2019


08:04 pm November 6, 2019

+1 for Acclamation

Profile picture for user Mark Adams

06:05 pm November x, 2019

Linking to your or other certification profile page is direct verification of your credential. I have not ran into whatever issues with 60 minutes during background investigations. So I'thou not sure why I would want to add together another layer between me and the certification body.

09:32 pm November ten, 2019

Linking to your or other certification profile page is directly verification of your credential. I have not ran into any issues with 60 minutes during background investigations. So I'm not sure why I would desire to add another layer between me and the certification trunk.

I concur. I put my certification (PSM I) on my LinkedIn profile, and mention it on my resume. You tin too add the link to your page to LinkedIn.

I don't understand the need to add this badge anywhere?

Profile picture for user David Torres

05:59 pm February 7, 2020

Delight back up Acclaim... My Microsoft, PMI, and The Open Group certs are all on my Acclaim contour.

Profile picture for user Eric Naiburg

09:38 pm February seven, 2020

@David Torres, nosotros support Acclaim through Open Badges which is the open technology for badging.

12:58 am Feb xviii, 2020

Please add badges to Acclaim...

Profile picture for user Eric Naiburg

06:42 pm Feb 18, 2020

@Ravi, if yous are a good customer of Acclaim, please work with them to support the open up standard of Open Badges.  We back up open standards and do non desire to have to raise the cost of certification because Acclaim charges vendors a significant amount to support their platform.

Profile picture for user Umar Khan

01:19 am March 17, 2020

Having a bluecoat is a nice "cosmetic" but as Eric explained, if it means increased certification prices to comprehend for youracclaim charges, I'd rather not accept the badge.

I learnt, I got the document and I got the public link to share on linkedin and then anyone can verify. That's more than than plenty I guess.

Profile picture for user Ramin Shafagatov

10:15 am Apr x, 2020

Listen to the customer voices & please make badges available to

Profile picture for user Eric Naiburg

02:48 pm April 10, 2020

@Ramin, I find it interesting that yous would be posting this hither and not on Acclaim'southward website and going to them to support the open standard that they abased just so that they tin can brand money later on acquiring the visitor that did support the open up standard.  We take supported the open standard for badging in OpenBadges which many other badging companies support.  To take your bluecoat on Acclaim they accuse a significant fee per certificate and it cannot be by private basis, it is all or cypher. And then that would mean having over 300,000 existing badges plus all future ones while only a very small percent of people want Acclaim support, all the same certifying bodies have to pay for all of them, non just the ones who want to use it.  This is the business model by Acclamation why you see only the biggest vendors supporting them because they have deep pockets. Please spend your efforts to go Acclaim to support open standards.

Profile picture for user Emerson Ramkaran

05:46 pm Apr 10, 2020

@Umar " if information technology means increased certification prices to cover for youracclaim charges, I'd rather not take the bluecoat." I agree!

As is, your certification is linked direct to the website, which is authentication enough as opposed to a third-party site.

Profile picture for user Thomas Kogler

07:17 pm May 3, 2020

+1 Acclaim

Profile picture for user Eric Naiburg

12:57 am May 4, 2020

@Thomas, please contact Acclaim and push them to back up import of the Open Standard of OpenBadges.  Rumor is that the effort of others is getting them to possible support it over again as they did before getting acquired and chasing the $$$

Profile picture for user Milan Hingu

06:45 am May 20, 2020

I concord. PSM1 certificate badge should be bachelor at Acclaim.

My all Microsoft certificates are at that place, not simply this PSM1.

Profile picture for user Eric Naiburg

03:56 pm May 20, 2020

@Milan, as stated many times above, please contact Acclaim not us.  They are the ones who refuse to accept currently the Open Standard and require that certification bodies pay them several dollars for every certification holder that holds a certification whether they want to use Acclamation or not.  And then Microsoft may exist able to afford that, for you lot, that would hateful united states of america increasing the cost of certifications quite heavily to back up the few who want information technology.

Nosotros are discussing with them supporting the open standard again.  In the past they did, merely then they were acquired and that inverse their back up for open standards.

Profile picture for user Mark Adams

12:54 am May 21, 2020

Why would somebody desire to put a centre-man betwixt direct verification of their credentials and their LinkedIn profile/resume?

Profile picture for user Gongyuan Chen

10:eleven am May 21, 2020

Compared with CSM, I firmly believe that in ii-5 years, org will surpass scrumalliance and become a favorite and sought-after brand.
Considering org maintains unified courseware and materials globally and keeps them updated, and scrumalliance's approach is that each different CST writes its own PPT to lecture based on its own experience, which is very dissimilar and cannot achieve a unified depth of noesis and knowledge domain.

Profile picture for user Shailesh Nallagonda

05:21 pm June 11, 2020

Shame that Acclaim does not support Open up Standard badges... would've been nice to have my other technical/deject certs all under one roof.. merely what improve place to have it linked than on the website, (THE authentic place) !

Profile picture for user Ramzi BEJAOUI

eleven:56 am August 31, 2020

I think it is time to add together PSM and other certifications from to youacclaim

Profile picture for user Eric Naiburg

06:48 pm Baronial 31, 2020

@Ramzi, delight come across the above notes and get Acclaim to support the open standards and not forcefulness money from non-users.  They require big payments for all certifications whether the holder wants to use Acclaim or not. That would hateful all 400,000+ certification holders would take to be paid for and then that less than iv,000 people could utilize it.  That doesn't seem to be the virtually valuable thing for the 400,000 to have to pay for.

Nosotros support OpenBadges which is the open standard for badging and hope that Acclaim will do the aforementioned for their customers.  They did earlier they were acquired and changed their business model to chase money.

Profile picture for user Debabrata Chakraborty

x:48 am September 1, 2020

+1, Acclaim has all the major vendors Certification batches in brandish. Having the addition from volition definitely add further value.

Profile picture for user Eric Naiburg

07:21 pm September 1, 2020

@Debabrata please get Acclaim to back up the open standards if you want information technology, the other option is to raise certification prices significantly to support information technology.  Acclaim is chasing money and don't care that less than five% of holders want it, they charge for 100% anyway.

Profile picture for user Axel Napolitano

10:55 pm September 3, 2020

It is a business decision to enter into partnerships or not. In this case, this does non seem to exist an option for diverse reasons. Okay.

However - and I apologize for the frankness - I discover it a fleck strange to try to appease the wishes and questions of "clients" with the snippy hint that they should contact Acclamation directly to demand open up standards and a different pricing model.

In the end this volition not aid. There is plainly no intention to cooperate with Acclaim at this time. In this respect at that place is no need for further give-and-take. has every right to make such a decision - even if some people do not like it.

In my personal opinion Acclamation solves a trouble that would non really exist without Acclaim. Well-nigh all certification providers have long since started to operate their ain platforms and can integrate both badges and verifications - the advantage of this decentralized solution is that there is 1 "data collector" less to worry about.

And let's be honest: Where do y'all call back recruiters and colleagues rather expect for suitable candidates: On established platforms similar LinkedIn, Xing, Facebook & Co., where members reveal a lot of interesting information, or on platforms similar Acclaim, which hardly anyone uses for more than than redundant display of acquired certificates?

Just my 2 cents... ;-)

How To Add Acclaim Badge To Domain_9,


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